dimanche 11 janvier 2015

Frid. Jan. 16

Today is  Friday, January 16,  2015.

Homework to write in agenda: (red= late)

Friday, December 12- One student: Writing Task (essay, or short story)self-ev. & wr. var. (purple)
Soon:Present one of your writing pieces to inspire to write paragraphs, essays and stories (for exam preparation and review)
POSTPONED TO ??? Thursday, January 8: Set 4 Grammar sheet and open notes quiz
Tuesday, January 13:  Final Project for Romeo and Juliet:  Eulogy (summative assessment)
Friday, January 23:  Final Exam
What we are doing today:
1.      Present Eulogies
2.  Media, advertising activity
3..      Grammar corrections and open-notes quiz or Finish Romeo and Juliet movie (think of themes and eulogy)
4.  Present one of your writing peices to inspire to write paragraphs, essays, stories on exam. 

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