samedi 1 novembre 2014

English Homework and November Agenda

This is what students see on the board every class:

Today is Monday, November 3,  2014.

Homework to write in agenda: (red= late)

Thursday, October 30:  Hand in signed progress report

Thursday, October 30:  Read to end of chap. 18,  pink response sheet for chap. 17 & 18  (at least 1 inference, 1 question, 1 connection)

Thursday, November 6:  Open Notes Grammar Quiz—Punctuation (lessons 58-65)  (homework check of completed Lessons 58-65  BEFORE corrections at the start of class on Thurs.)

Here is what we will do today:

1.    Grammar: Punctuation (lessons 58-65)

2.    Finish and present 5 paragraph essay:  Topic of your choice from writing territories (See instructions and rubric below.)

3.    Reading To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 19+.

 5 Paragraph Essay Format: 

3 main points with transition words and topic sentences, conclusion

         Organization and impact of words and sentences on reader       /5
        Conventions                                                                                       /3

         Reading essay to the class:

At least 1 minute without pauses, laughter, filler words like Uhm, like…                                                                                                    /5

Eye contact throughout entire audience                                           /5

Loud and clear                                                                                    /5

Standing still: no rocking or swaying, no fiddling with anything  /5

Enthusiastic and variation in expression, use gestures                   /5

Total:                                                                                                    /25

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