vendredi 12 décembre 2014

ang. 10e: Friday, Dec. 12

Today is  Friday, December 12,  2014.

Homework to write in agenda: (red= late)

Friday Nov. 28:  TKAM: Final Project ----.  (Don't forget ALL pieces:  Title page, introduction, written piece, conclusion, Works cited, My Writing Variables, Self-edit and Peer edit sheet.)

POSTPONED—SO, BEFORE HOLIDAYS: Acts 2, 3 and maybe 4 Response (0pen book and notes)

Friday, December 12: Writing Task (essay, or short story,…)With rubric and writing variables (purple)

Tuesday, December 16: Eulogy presentations (in partners or on own)

What we are doing today:

1.    Homework Check (for those absent yesterday )(Set 1,2,3), FINISH quiz

2.     Eulogy on own then in partners, each write whole speech, decide parts (formative)

3.    Finish and self-edit essays, short stories, etc. (WAS DUE BEGINNING OF CLASS)

4.    Read side notes of Act 2-4 , prep for parts to ACT OUT Act 3+

5.?? Prepare: speech or reading-- new essay or short story, TKAM project,… in`14/`15 done for this class this year

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