mardi 25 novembre 2014

Anglais 10e: le mardi 25 novembre

Today is  Tuesday, November 24,  2014.

Homework to write in agenda: (red= late)

Thursday, October 30:  Hand in signed progress report

Friday Nov. 28:  To Kill a Mockingbird: Final Project (Option 1&3: 3-5 themes) Don't forget ALL pieces:  Title page,  introduction, ,written piece, conclusion, Works cited, My Writing Variables, Self-edit and Peer edit sheet.

What we are doing today:

1.    Ted Talk Listening activity (formative)

2.    Ted Talk Listening activity (summative)

3.    You Tube: Shakespeare Listening activity (summative)

4.    Presenting activity to communicate intent (inform, entertain, persuade) with random objects from a bag (formative but soon we will have a summative activity)

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